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KSC No. KSC Title Proficiency Level
K1 Knowledge of the energy market, energy trading, players involved, relevant regulatory framework, products and type of supply offers, contractual forms, tariffs and current prices Basic
Highly Specialised
K2 Knowledge about energy performance contracting and the characteristics of energy efficiency measures in the building sector Basic
Highly Specialised
K3 Knowledge of contractual arrangements for the purchase of goods and services, with particular reference to interventions aimed at energy refurbishment (green procurement and energy services) Basic
Highly Specialised
K4 Knowledge of the budgeting elements Basic
Highly Specialised
K5 Knowledge of the forms and procedures for the detection of costs Basic
K6 Knowledge of the EU and local funding programs and their rules Basic
Highly Specialised
K7 Knowledge of the financial and economic literacy Basic
K8 Knowledge about national and EU regulations that must be applied in the design and maintenance of thermal installations in buildings, including those exploiting renewable energy sources, to comply with energy efficiency requirements Basic
Highly Specialised
K9 Knowledge of relevant laws, policies, rules, regulations, standards that govern energy auditing and competences of energy auditor Basic
Highly Specialised
K10 Knowledge of current and forthcoming national and EU building energy legislation Basic
K11 Knowledge about laws and regulations that govern certification of energy performance of buildings and obligations and responsibilities of the energy certifier Basic
K12 Knowledge of legislation and technical regulations on environmental protection and pollution factors Basic
Highly Specialised
K13 Knowledge of the CEN/CENELEC/ETSI/ISO/IEC standards for the sector, quality systems and main models Basic
K14 Knowledge of efficiency and renewable energy programs and policies, both at the European and national level Basic
Highly Specialised
K15 Knowledge of project management techniques, business organization, budget control and analytical accounting Basic
Highly Specialised
K16 Knowledge about energy management systems, energy performance indicators, monitoring and targeting and auditing techniques Basic
Highly Specialised
K17 Awareness of traditional and innovative energy efficiency measures and technologies that exploit renewable energy sources Basic
Highly Specialised
K18 Knowledge about environmental auditing, identification of greenhouse gases (GHG) emission sources Basic
K19 Knowledge of the physical principles related to energy from production process to end-user consumption Basic
K20 Knowledge of metering and measuring equipment Basic
Highly Specialised
K21 Knowledge of the energy unit conversion factors Basic
K22 Knowledge of mechanical and electrical systems in buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
K23 Knowledge of building service systems and their components Basic
K24 Knowledge of the guidelines for carrying out energy audits, inspections and certifications to optimize an existing energy certification and energy auditing Basic
K25 Knowledge of thermo-hydraulic, electrical systems, sensors, monitoring and control systems and their components Basic
K26 Knowledge of RES based systems applicable in buildings (PV, biomass, geothermal, etc.) Basic
K27 Knowledge of the testing and adjustment techniques for the exploitation of RES in buildings Basic
K28 Knowledge of the relation between operating principles and general characteristics for evaluating achievable and achieved energy savings (key principles of the Monitoring and Verification Protocol) Basic
K29 Knowledge of design and construction solutions for the optimization of new buildings and renovation of the existing buildings Basic
K30 Knowledge of techniques and tools for plant control Basic
K31 Knowledge of reporting techniques (auditing, certification, maintenance plans, BACS documentation, etc.) Basic
K32 Knowledge of techniques for detecting risk situations Basic
Highly Specialised
K33 Knowledge of requirements for off-site and on-site testing for selected systems and equipment Basic
Highly Specialised
K34 Knowledge of methods and techniques for detection of flexibility potential in buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
K35 Knowledge of methods and tools for building energy modelling Basic
Highly Specialised
K36 Knowledge of key elements of energy communities Basic
Highly Specialised
K37 Knowledge of process integration techniques and methods Basic
Highly Specialised
K38 Knowledge about creation of different business models for sustainable pricing between partners/members of the energy community Basic
Highly Specialised
K39 Knowledge about creation of energy policy instruments and follow-up programs Basic
Highly Specialised
K40 Knowledge of different urban energy modelling approaches Basic
Highly Specialised
K41 Knowledge of decision support methods (CBA, LCA and multi-criteria decision making) Basic
Highly Specialised
K42 Knowledge of regulations and technical standards on energy refurbishment of historical heritage Basic
Highly Specialised
K43 Knowledge of compatible technical solutions for the energy refurbishment of historical buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
K44 Knowlegde of principles of bioclimatic and passive systems in buildings including building orientation, thermal insulation, solar shading devices, openings size, free cooling, etc. Basic
K45 Knowledge of the principles of high-energy efficiency buildings, including passive house, NZEB, ZEB etc. Basic
K46 Knowledge of microelectronics process for the creation of intelligent management and control systems for energy systems Basic
Highly Specialised
K47 Knowledge of territorial information systems (GIS) Basic
K48 Knowledge of procedures for measurement of air infiltration in buildings, including blower-door test Basic
K49 Knowledge of principles of indoor air quality in buildings, considering prescriptive and performance parameters Basic
K50 Knowledge of design of BACS systems, integration with other control systems, including various protocols (Mbus, BACnet, Modbus, LON etc.) Basic
Highly Specialised
K51 Knowledge of rechargeable infrastructure and regulated charging capacity, battery accumulators in combination with RES, CHP and Microgrid Basic
Highly Specialised
K52 Knowledge of procedures for disposal of plants and materials Basic
HS1 To be able to calculate emissions (take inventory of GHG emissions) and quantify the reduction potential Basic
HS2 To be able to carry out economic and technical analysis of investments and/or individual activities (energy saving measures) Basic
HS3 To be able to carry out energy savings calculations and analysis regarding the interactions between the energy efficiency improvement opportunities Basic
HS4 To be able to assess the national and local context and legislation Basic
Highly Specialised
HS5 To be able to carry out the assessment of existing or propose a new energy management system to the organization enabling it to monitor its energy performance Basic
Highly Specialised
HS6 To be able to carry out envisioned work phases on the basis of project specifications, overseeing the installation and/or extraordinary maintenance when needed Basic
Highly Specialised
HS7 To be able to determine the phases that make up the building energy certification procedure until the creation of the energy label for a building or a building unit Basic
HS8 To be able to prepare brief technical specifications of thermo-hydraulic / electrical / RES systems in buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
HS9 To be able to carry out the measurement, verification, calibration, control and regulation activities and techniques to install and maintain energy systems in buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
HS10 To be able to carry out the quantification and analysis of energy consumption and identify the most significant consumers (systems) to define baseline (reference) energy consumption during the conduction of an energy audit Basic
HS11 To be able to carry out the calculation of the energy performance of buildings Basic
HS12 To be able to use the technical data for the building automation control system (BACS) Basic
Highly Specialised
HS13 To be able to apply methods for the preparation of a verification and testing plan for the building automation control system (BACS) Basic
Highly Specialised
HS14 To be able to carry out the assessment of those factors that may affect the reliability of the energy audit findings and conclusions Basic
Highly Specialised
HS15 To be able to carry out the application of computerised management of preventive maintenance plans of important installations Basic
Highly Specialised
HS16 To be able to carry out the energy audit of any installation following a practical and efficient methodology, drawing up field sheets and drafting key findings Basic
HS17 To be able to prepare documents regarding energy audit findings and preparing appropriate energy audit reports and presentations Basic
Highly Specialised
HS18 To be able to prepare all necessary documents and conduct activities for the green procurement Basic
Highly Specialised
HS19 To be able to carry out the application of procedures for the reprocessing and reporting of non-conformities from supply to installation and maintenance of energy plants Basic
HS20 To be able to carry out energy performance assessment for the energy rating of buildings with the use of professional IT tools Basic
HS21 To be able to carry out simulation analysis for environmental and sustainability assessment of buildings with the use of professional IT solutions Basic
Highly Specialised
HS22 To be able to prepare measurement plans and sensor deployment plans for various building systems Basic
HS23 To be able to carry out detailed energy simulation of various building systems in the scope of energy audit using professional IT tools Basic
Highly Specialised
HS24 To be able to carry out detailed environmental audit and create GHG emission inventory on a building or a city level Basic
Highly Specialised
HS25 To be able to conduct the impact assessment of the implemented energy efficiency measures and measures related with the exploatation of renewable energy sources Basic
Highly Specialised
HS26 To be able to conduct inspection of different components of HVAC system Basic
Highly Specialised
HS27 To be able to select the most feasible energy efficiency measures for historic buildings, through the evaluation of a framework of needs, constraints and requirements Basic
Highly Specialised
SS1 To be able to interact with the customer, listening and understanding their needs promoting technical and technological solutions Basic
Highly Specialised
SS2 Ethical and sustainable thinking about energy and environmental issues related to buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
SS3 Motivation and perseverance abilities during various activities related to energy efficiency projects in buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
SS4 Ability to lead or participate in a team dealing with energy efficiency and to act in an impartial and objective manner Basic
Highly Specialised
SS5 Critical thinking about proposed energy efficient solutions Basic
Highly Specialised
SS6 Be able to collect information through effective interviewing, listening, observing, analysing, measuring and reviewing documents, records, and data Basic
Highly Specialised
SS7 Ability to attention to details and to establish root causes Basic
Highly Specialised
SS8 To be able to prevent and resolve conflicts Basic
Highly Specialised
SS9 Willingness to collaborate and participate proactively in a team, demonstrating the ability to adapt and interact differently in relation to specific situations Basic
Highly Specialised
SS10 To be able to moderate various meetings and effectively present key findings Basic
Highly Specialised
SS11 Project management and methodology adopting effective and efficient behaviours Basic
Highly Specialised
SS12 Ability to time management skills and attention to detail Basic
Highly Specialised
SS13 Creativity and vision in urban energy planning Basic
Highly Specialised
SS14 To be able to identify and understand staff needs related to training in the energy efficiency of buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
SS15 Complex problem solving in a effective manner Basic
Highly Specialised
C1 Awareness of the appropriateness and consequences of using sampling techniques for energy auditing Basic
Highly Specialised
C2 Awareness of the availability of energy sources Basic
C3 Awareness of the sensitivity analysis for the main variables that influence the calculation Basic
C4 Awareness of the environmental implications of energy use Basic
Highly Specialised
C5 Awareness of methods for data analysis Basic
Highly Specialised
C6 Awareness of quality system and main models Basic
C7 Awareness of forms and methods used in the technical documentation Basic
Highly Specialised
C8 Awareness of strategies and techniques to optimize results and to address any critical issues Basic
Highly Specialised
C9 Awareness of different types of energy services that can be applied in energy communities Basic
Highly Specialised
C10 To be able to detect energy saving potential and propose corrective measures to improve energy efficiency in an economically effective manner for buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
C11 To be able to carry out the application of criteria for assigning tasks, operating methods, sequences and times for carrying out activities and for the optimal use of materials and equipment Basic
Highly Specialised
C12 To be able to identify the purchase needs of equipment and materials and to efficiently manage stocks Basic
C13 To be able to use appropriate procedures, conduct envisioned activities and evaluate available technologies related to the energy use in buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
C14 To be able to apply the concepts of rational and efficient use of energy and perform energy diagnosis Basic
C15 To be able to properly interpret requirements of the Technical Building Code regarding the most efficient systems and installations Basic
C16 To be able to provide effective measures for the management, implementation and design of alternative energy installations Basic
Highly Specialised
C17 To be able to work with complex environmental and energy data Basic
Highly Specialised
C18 To be capable to collect, organise and analyse quantitative data and perform complex numerical analyses Basic
Highly Specialised
C19 To be able to conduct or supervise commissioning or re-commissioning of various technical systems in buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
C20 To be able to properly recognise energy efficiency opportunities and to present them in an effective manner to stakeholders and technicians involved in the design process Basic
Highly Specialised
C21 To be able to manage negotiation between different stakeholders and apply different problem-solving techniques related to energy and environmental issues in buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
C22 To be able to observe, measure and analyse the operation of various technical systems in buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
C23 To be able to focus on priority issues with respect to the agreed scope and manage different uncertainties of achieving the objectives and thoroughness of the energy audit Basic
Highly Specialised
C24 To be able to commit professional excellence and to make concrete proposals for improvements of various technical systems in buildings Basic
Highly Specialised
C25 To be able to effectively use available resources and equipment to conduct the energy audit in an appropriate manner Basic
Highly Specialised
C26 To be able to use various diagnostic and modelling tools Basic
C27 To be able to effectively use user manuals and any other technical data sheets Basic
Highly Specialised
C28 To be able to carry out the application of reporting techniques for activities and materials with the emphasis on green procurement, also in terms of accounting for the various stages of work progress Basic
Highly Specialised
C29 To be able to carry out the preparation of technical reports or procurement documents such as project proposals or tenders with the emphasis on green procurement Basic
Highly Specialised
C30 To be able to ensure that the energy audit complies with the relevant safety, environmental and security requirements Basic
Highly Specialised
C31 To be able to carry out different evaluations to identify situations of potential risk for safety, health and the environment Basic
Highly Specialised
C32 To be able to formulate different proposals for improvement of organizational solutions/layout of the work environment to avoid or minimise risks Basic
Highly Specialised
C33 To be able to apply complex methodologies to carry out economic evaluation of projects and to identify associated risks, the profitability of investments, sources of financing, and financing instruments Basic
Highly Specialised
C34 To be effective in communication and planning the energy audit in co-operation with the organization that is being audited and to be capable to conduct objective evaluation of the quality of the provided data Basic
Highly Specialised
C35 To be able to carry out the energy audit in co-operation with technical and non-technical personnel of the organization that is being audited and any other party involved Basic
Highly Specialised
C36 To be able to build networks and gather intelligence and to adequately advise all aspects (technical, economic and others) of the energy audit Basic
Highly Specialised
C37 To conduct the energy audit or a complex analysis of various technical system within the agreed time schedule Basic
Highly Specialised